
I'm Kerstie, your Fairy Guide

to Legendary Locations

you can travel to!

Standing on a coastal path in Cornwall

My love of all things fairy tale and folklore began as a child in the medieval town of Kronberg in Germany, surrounded by the tales of the Brother’s Grimm who collected their tales in the region.

As I never quite managed to grow up, my love for the fantastical keeps luring me back into its fairy glamour.

And living most of my life on the lore-rich, green island jewel that is Britain did absolutely nothing to persuade me to become better at being an adult.

My wish is that my explorations will add a sparkle of magic to everyone who loves to experience the world with wide-eyed wonder.

I’m simply a curious* creature.

*curious being defined as inquisitive, but also as a little peculiar.

So if I do deliver any wonky facts, please don't gather the pitchforks. In fact, if I do get things wrong from time to time, please tell me (nicely, if possible) because I love learning new things!

I will always try to use credible sources and cite where possible, and if you have additional wisdom on a topic, share it.

I'm always excited to fall down a new rabbit hole - that's about the only thing I am a professional at!

If helping me make my daily bread to feed the hamsters* that keep this site running sounds like your jam, you can support me by buying something from my shop - when it goes live!

Or you could butter me up with a little donation. I promise it'll be good karma.

*Please note: No hamsters are involved in the running of this site. Although I would love some magical animal helpers to do my chores, apparently they only work for Disney princesses!

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